Friday, August 8, 2014

Take a Walk

In an attempt to shed some extra pounds, I have fallen to the craze and am attempting to take more steps throughout the day. I wasn't having much luck with pedometers (after breaking two), so a few weeks ago my husband surprised me with a FitbitFlex. I haven't broken it yet, and it has definitely made me more cognizant of how inactive I am in a given day, so now I make more of an effort to "get my steps in" and walk/run. As I traverse New Haven on foot, I have seen firsthand the good, bad, ugly, and weird. Here are a few things that I have run into:

Cute Pets:
I love animals and particularly cute puppies, so running into an abundance of animals on my walks has been awesome. Frequent stops to pet dogs and watch them frolic is completely necessary.

I can say with authority that this town certainly has no shortage in this category. I can walk down Crown Street and be asked for money by 6 people in a row. (Don't they realize no one carries cash anymore?) Perhaps I'm the not the only who has noticed this as Milford is currently considering outlawing panhandling.

The Weird:
This painting is an example of the weirdness I have seen on my walks. To be honest I didn't even have to walk far to see this, it was across the street from my apartment. The jury is still out on whether this painting is serious or in jest.

To be fair, this is also a lot of beauty in New Haven. From plant life, buildings, people, and just overall charm. Particularly with the nice weather we have been having, we are a lucky group.

New Haven:

Obviously I have a lot of pride in my city and I'm happy that I'm not the only one. What is your favorite place in the Elm City?

1 comment:

  1. My favorite place in the Elm?? Anna Liffeys. No Contest!
