Monday, April 13, 2015

City Climb

Last week, I participated in a Groupon for an hour of indoor climbing at City Climb.

I'd never done indoor climbing before, so I didn't know what to expect. However, I've always been a hyperactive type; the one who is always climbing things, jumping over/off things, and getting dirty, so I was very excited.
Walls for days. There is also a whole other room for "bouldering," which looks pretty badass.

Our special was for an hour of belayed climbing, led/belayed by one of the gym's very friendly and encouraging staff, whose name escapes me (Andrew?). We got some nifty shoes and harnesses to wear, and geared up.
Actually comfier than they look.
"Andrew" roped us up, and started us out on some easier climbs to start. Probably the best thing about it was that each wall has a little bell dangling at the top that you can ring upon completion; I finally filled the void in my life left by never having been able to compete on Global Guts.
Me working on a pink route. No I did not use the ladder.
K-Dawg gets it done.

Then we took on more challenging terrain.
JoDa (nee JoPo) and unborn child slayed it all night.

All of the hand/foot holds were flagged with colored tape, marking out routes up all the walls. "Andrew" explained that routes are rated from 5.0 to 5.15 (no it's not a decimal; I asked) in terms of increasing difficulty. The hardest route I finished was a 5.8, it involved traversing a doorway, climbing around a corner and up a crack in the wall. Let me tell you, the struggle is real. Some of the hand holds were more or less ladder rungs:
I could climb these knobby suckers for life.
But some of them were laughable for the likes of me, they may as well have been wall:
What I'ma do wit this?
A few months ago a friend had asked if I had any interest in joining City Climb as a member, and I laughed him off. Now, though, I think I've changed my tune. Although potentially a pricey hobby (new shoes alone run at least $80), it's a great workout that I found trying both physically and mentally. Anyone want to go with me?