Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Adult Coloring Books

A few weeks ago I was at a friends house in Philadelphia and noticed they had a stack of coloring books with intricate designs. I thought they were cute, but didn't realize that adult coloring books were actually super hot right now. They are being touted as a great way to unwind and de-stress and  are some of the most popular and best selling items on Amazon right now. I personally loved coloring and creating art as a child, but am not sure how coloring in the lines of intricate designs can help you come down after a stressful day. I feel like For those willing to give it a try, here are a few books worth buying (thanks Buzzfeed!).

Monday, June 22, 2015

Follow Up on Some Follow Up: Podcasts

A long time ago, I posted about some podcasts that I listen to, one of which was WTF Podcast hosted by Marc Maron. A few months later, I did a follow up post about this same podcast having one of its episodes listed by Slate as the #1 best podcast ever (just happens to be the same episode I recommend in my original post). Now, I update on the update to inform you just how far much weight a recommendation on this blog can take someone, even a washed up ex-druggie struggling stand up comic: Today's WTF Podcast (June 22, 2015) has Marc Maron interviewing the President of the United States, Barack Obama, in his garage. Amongst other things, Marc and POTUS discuss racism in America. If you've read both of my previous recommendations to check this podcast out and passed both times, hopefully this might get you listening. If not, maybe he'll interview a Kardashian soon...
A photo posted by @marcmaron on
I would also like to take this opportunity to recommend a new podcast I've been enjoying very much: Mystery Show, hosted by Starlee Kine.

In the post-Serial world, we are all searching for something to fill the gap left by the still-burning questions of Adnan Syed's innocence and Sarah Koenig's personal opinion about that matter. In searching for such filler, I stumbled on Mystery Show, which is actually nothing like Serial at all, and may even be better, in my opinion. The podcast is a light-hearted exploration of the human existence in the form of solving various mysteries involving otherwise boring minutiae of daily life. Adorable and disarming host Kine begins each episode by introducing a mystery, usually brought to her by a friend of acquaintance, which she then sets out to solve. The mysteries themselves are nowhere near as heavy as did a high school kid murder his ex-girlfriend and dump her body in the woods. The series' first mystery: What happened to a video store that mysteriously vanished from NYC back in 2003? Another fun one: What was Brittany Spears doing with an author and friend of the hosts book at a restaurant, and did she like the book? Often times the answer to the mysteries are second place to the interesting tangents and conversations she has with whatever interesting people she meets along the way. Like WTF Podcast, Mystery Show comes highly recommended by yours truly.

Monday, April 13, 2015

City Climb

Last week, I participated in a Groupon for an hour of indoor climbing at City Climb.

I'd never done indoor climbing before, so I didn't know what to expect. However, I've always been a hyperactive type; the one who is always climbing things, jumping over/off things, and getting dirty, so I was very excited.
Walls for days. There is also a whole other room for "bouldering," which looks pretty badass.

Our special was for an hour of belayed climbing, led/belayed by one of the gym's very friendly and encouraging staff, whose name escapes me (Andrew?). We got some nifty shoes and harnesses to wear, and geared up.
Actually comfier than they look.
"Andrew" roped us up, and started us out on some easier climbs to start. Probably the best thing about it was that each wall has a little bell dangling at the top that you can ring upon completion; I finally filled the void in my life left by never having been able to compete on Global Guts.
Me working on a pink route. No I did not use the ladder.
K-Dawg gets it done.

Then we took on more challenging terrain.
JoDa (nee JoPo) and unborn child slayed it all night.

All of the hand/foot holds were flagged with colored tape, marking out routes up all the walls. "Andrew" explained that routes are rated from 5.0 to 5.15 (no it's not a decimal; I asked) in terms of increasing difficulty. The hardest route I finished was a 5.8, it involved traversing a doorway, climbing around a corner and up a crack in the wall. Let me tell you, the struggle is real. Some of the hand holds were more or less ladder rungs:
I could climb these knobby suckers for life.
But some of them were laughable for the likes of me, they may as well have been wall:
What I'ma do wit this?
A few months ago a friend had asked if I had any interest in joining City Climb as a member, and I laughed him off. Now, though, I think I've changed my tune. Although potentially a pricey hobby (new shoes alone run at least $80), it's a great workout that I found trying both physically and mentally. Anyone want to go with me?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Stony Creek Brewery

Last week, Stony Creek Brewery opened its new facility in Branford, just a couple exits up the road from #NHV. With craft beer so hot the past few years, it's fun to see so many of the smaller breweries able to offer experiences like this; a nice, clean bar with freshly-rotated beers on tap, where you can spend an afternoon with friends drinking and chowing down on whatever snacks you want to bring.

Stony Creek's new spot is especially well-situated on the water in Branford and, when 100% completed, will have a nice deck to sit out on and watch the boats drift by while you down a few oat sodas. While that part of is still completing construction, the inside bar is up and running, and I've found myself there two Saturdays in a row.

Day 1 was packed, but still plenty of places to sit and enjoy the beer/view.
In addition to pints of changing beers, the bar also sells "Crowlers," or canned growlers. I've never seen these 32oz. fresh poured canned beers to go before, and I was very intrigued.

It all starts with a blank, topless can, which they fill at the tap upon request.

That's 2 16oz pints right there.
Then they pop a top on and put it in this contraption to seal it up.

Last, they roll on a label for you.

Voila, beer to go, fresh from the pint.

The Crowler costs $8, and contains 32oz (2 16oz beers).

Wednesday, March 11, 2015



The internet continues to amaze me every day. As I scrolled around online and on Facebook, I came across Porter21, which in short, will deliver alcohol to your house. That's right, you don't have to make the trek to the liquor store (let's face it, in New Haven the only good liquor store is The Wine Thief anyway), because all you have to do is pick out your booze and beer online and they will deliver it in 60 minutes or less. Amazing!!!!To top it off they have a great beer selection including craft beers and my personal favorite, Coors Light. Everything is decently priced and there is no extra costs or fees. Basically your summer party just got awesome. You're welcome.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Now that my favorite bar/restaurant is gone (RIP Delaney's), I have to head all the way to Middletown, CT to visit my second favorite bar, Eli Cannon's. Eli Cannon's has a great selection of beer, cheap and tasty food, and a funky atmosphere that can't be beat. At it's core it's just a dive bar, but something about it makes you like you're in the know to even be there. A few favorite menu items include the soft pretzel with three dipping sauces, the BLT, and any of the wing flavors.

As Middletown is about a twenty minute trek from New Haven, it's exciting that Eli Cannon's isn't the only thing worth going there for anymore. After lunch, head across the street to NoRa cupcakes where you can sample amazing flavors like 50 Shades of Chocolate, Fat Elvis, and Fluffernutter. They have ample cafe space to kick up your feet and eat a few cupcakes before you head down the street to Middletown's newest craft brewery, Stubborn Beauty.

The brewery is dedicated to brewing unique, full flavored beers. They aren't into "cookie cutter" beers and are known for their eclectic style. Grab a few tastings and a growler fill before you make the drive back to New Haven.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Here's What to Make for Breakfast, or, An Ode to My Avocado Slicer

In case you hadn't heard, avocado toast is so hot right now, and in case you didn't notice, this blog is on the cutting edge of what's hot, nay, we are Tastemakers.

Yes, Jacobim.

For a while now, I've been starting off my mornings right with my own avocado toast creation, which I will share with you now. It's simple, easy, delicious, and probably not all that healthy. It starts where all good things start; with frying up some bacon on medium-high heat:

Another good recipe would be to just stop right here.

While that's going on, with the scintillating aroma creeping up into my senses, I toast a couple pieces of bread, grab the closest avocado, and my handy avocado slicer. If you don't have one of these, I highly suggest getting it. I'm too lazy to research it right now, but I'm pretty sure we got this off Amazon for like $5. It's got a cutter:

A corer:

And a slicer:

I slide out half the avocado, and package up the rest with a coating of lime juice for use tomorrow morning. I add a dash of lime juice, salt, and pepper to the sliced half, and I mash it up real good:

When the bacon's done, it'll be reduced in size, nice and crispy, but not too browned. Otherwise when I crunch into it I'll just have a mouthful of shards. I take it out of the pan and set aside:

I dump out all the rendered bacon fat except enough to coat the pan, leaving all the little charred bits of bacon in there. Then, I lower the heat to medium, and crack two eggs into the bacon fat, topping it with some salt and pepper:

For a perfectly runny egg, I let them fry on one side for a minute, or so, until the egg white is almost cooked all the way through, as shown, then I flip:


While the eggs cook, I prep the landing pad, first spreading the mashed avocado evenly over the toasts:

Then plopping down the bacon:

Right about now, my eggs should be nearing completion, so I go ahead and gently spatula those babies right on top of the bacon, and serve. I like mine with a bunch of Cholula:

I break open that runny goodness and let it run all over my bacon-avocado-toasty dreams:

You're welcome.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Essential Apps

Applications, that is, as in Mobile Applications. Sorry to disappoint you right off the bat; this is not a post about essential appetizers. I would say that I'd be interested in doing a post on that at a later date but, truth be told, that post is three, maybe four items long:
  • Buffalo Wings
  • Spinach & Artichoke Dip
  • Guacamole
  • Cheese and Cured Meat Plate (if you fancy, if not stick with the free bread)
Sorry, Caesar Salad Endive Spears, you tired. Now take your sad act home.
Now that I've got that out of the way, let's continue this single stone's throw to the death of our second bird: Mobile Apps that I have been finding essential to life in NHV. Granted, all of these are useful in life outside the GSCIA, but my appreciation for them, of course, has been forged through use in these mean streets.

Getting Around:


Please, take my money, I beg you.

This town just about lost its wad when, 10 years into the 21st Century,  the City went ahead and brought its parking meter game up to 20th Century capability and added the ability to use your credit card. So, it goes without saying that, when they introduced compatibility with the Parkmobile app in 2013, offering the ability to pay, monitor, and add time to a parking meter from our mobile devices, my proverbial shit hit the metaphorical fan. Genius.


It's not common knowledge to everyone outside the Yale community that, if you're under 40 and look anything remotely like someone who could be a college or graduate student, this city (Yale) operates a free public transit system. The Yale shuttles services downtown and the surrounding neighborhoods, carting students/staff/faculty to/from school/work/class, and me and my drunken friends from someone's apartment to whatever bar is closest to Old Campus. TransLoc is a real-time monitoring system that shows you shuttle routes, and where exactly the closest shuttle is in its journey.


For those of you not into restricting your nightlife to the establishments immediately accessible by shuttle route, we have Uber. We all know what it is by now, and if you haven't taken it, I implore you to do so immediately, even if you don't have anywhere to go. I like the whole not talking to anyone on the phone thing. I like the fact that I don't have to deal with a cab driver claiming he "doesn't take credit cards" even though I can see the damn swipe machine right in front of me. I like the fact that, 9 out of 10 times, the car that shows up is an immaculate Lexus or Infiniti. I just like.

Avoiding Awkward:


Restaurant table math. We've all been there. Passing the check around amongst all 17 of us. 3 suggest splitting it evenly between 12 credit cards, 2 people have cash,  1 person has a gift certificate that expired in 2009 but is pretty sure the restaurant will still accept it...please stop the insanity. Venmo does just that. Download the app, place one credit card on the table, let all your friends send you what they owe directly to your bank account, tip your waitstaff. I've heard of some others that do the same thing, and I'm sure they're great. But I've been rocking Venmo now for a bit, and it's been nothing but easy.


You're 30. You don't do "power hour" anymore. Those odd times when you and your friends find yourselves sitting around someone's apartment midway through a boring Saturday, you do what 30-year olds do and strike up a conversation about the Affordable Care Act or whether or not Ray Allen will go to the Cavs. Right? Wrong. You're bored. We're all bored. What better way to grease us through the inevitable dulldrum of life-after-college than to maintain a constant state of denial that we are, in fact, not in college? Shotify is an app that hooks up with your Spotify* account and creates a Power Hour mix out of a your playlists. You're welcome.

*I shouldn't have to tell you to get Spotify. You should have been done that.



New Haven has great restaurants, but after you've lived here one year you're perfectly aware that all 11 of them exist and know that, until something new opens, you're not going to discover anything new. So, don't bother Yelping up a place to eat tonight; stick with what you know. What you can do, though, is open up the Yelp app and cruise some of the hysterical reviews that people have taken the time to write. If you're a fan of satire, which I am, this place is a gold mine.

One of my personal favs is Pasqual P's review of the Sbarro's at the train station:

"Hey, Paz (my nickname)! Whuzzgoodwitit?" said my buddy Rusty. And so an evening of big 'za, cold suds, and intense viewing of sports on Sbarro's 26" TV began.

I've gone to sports bars before, and I generally have a good time. I mean, the constants are usually beer and BUFFALO WINGS. So do I fit in? Heck yeah, I do - I'm a guy, and guys like these things.

So we get to Sbarro, and Rusty and I exchange high fives - Coors Light on draught? IT'S ON. We decide to pair our nectars with a couple of sausage calzones. The calzones were expertly built - flaky dough, ooeygooey cheese, and then BOOM, sausage. This was good, but it was time for more beer and sports. There were at least 6 people already catching the Connecticut Sun game, so it wasn't easy to find seats.

But we did and we had like 4 beers each, called a cab, and then we went home to dream about doing it all again. Top 5 night of 2012.

Monday, February 9, 2015

New in New Haven

Winter decided to descend on New Haven with a vengeance and it has been difficult to do much but stay inside and dream of warmer days. While bundled up on the couch and obsessively perusing social media, I have been pleasantly surprised by all of the new and interesting happenings in New Haven. The city is really stepping its game up and I can't wait to fill up my social calendar with all of these fun events!

Escape New Haven:
Described as a cooperative, real-life adventure space where nothing is at seems. You and your team are trapped and have 60 minutes to escape a room by solving a series of puzzles that will challenge your mind and confound your senses.

It sounds scary, thrilling, and a great way to shake up a mundane Saturday.

Taste of New Haven:
New Haven is well known for its culinary abundance (even being named the top foodie city by livability.com) and now you don't have to wait for restaurant week to try out all the best places. Taste of New Haven offers four hour tours for $55 focusing on themes like a pizza and beer bike tour, ninth square restaurants, latin american tapas, and more. As eating and drinking are my two favorite things in the world, the struggle is more picking out which tour I want to do first.

Haven Collective:
I first experienced Haven Collective when they were doing events at Trolley Square. The events were always cute, but the building needed help. They have recently re-located their efforts to State Street and the space couldn't be cuter or more accessible. In addition to awesome vintage clothes from Vintanthromodern Vintage and pop-up shops from various vendors, they are hosting craft classes and meet ups. One of the best things may be the Sunday Brunch Craft Series which features a new craft every week with complimentary snacks and mimosas.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Snowed-In Activity: Cheesemaking

Looks like we are in for a big storm.

Getting to stay home from work is nice, but sometimes being cooped up in the house all day with nothing to do can get dull. Last time this happened, I decided the timing was perfect to try something I'd always wanted to do: make my own cheese. So, I picked up this mozzarella making kit from my local cheese shop. It came with everything I needed, only thing I had to get was a gallon of milk.

First step was to heat the milk and stir in a mixture of the ingredients, including some acid and rennet. I heated the mixture, and watched as the curds started to separate from the whey.

Probably the least glamorous part.

Once the curds were ready, I removed them from the whey and drained them. Pressing out all the extra water.

Gettin' all curdy.


Next, I formed the cheese by hand, careful not to over handle it, otherwise it ends up rubbery.

You better work, b****

Then I cool it down in an ice bath and wrap it up to enjoy later when I slice it up and combo it with some carbs for some blizzard night pizza!

My balls.