Friday, August 15, 2014

Campbell Crawl

It's that time of year again. What time is that, you ask? Well, it's that time when I join some friends of mine in barhopping down an infamous stretch of road in West Haven, CT in what will be this particular group's 9th Annual Campbell Crawl. 

This year's shirt designed by @eikuous. Perseus is ready to get turnt.

Like any other bar crawl, a Campbell Crawl consists of a group of merrymakers idling away the hours by walking from one watering hole to the next, savoring any combination of beers and shots at each before moving on to the next. The defining feature of a Campbell Crawl, though, is that it takes place at the bars that line Campbell Avenue, the main commercial stretch in the suburban town of West Haven. This poorly-written student newspaper article, dated 2009, confirms what many of us already knew; a Campbell Crawl is a tradition amongst friends (search #campbellcrawl on instagram). Sometimes they occur for charity, sometimes they occur for no other reason than to get plastered with people we hope like us. What makes Campbell Avenue so special? According to that same article, West Haven is known for having the more bars per square foot than any other city in the United States. I found zero other sources online to back this up, so I'll just defer to the golden rule that if one guy writes something on the internet once it must be true.

The stomping ground: everywhere, USA.

This particular crawl starts at Pete's Tavern, a splendid dive tucked into a shopping center at the base of Campbell Avenue on Captain Thomas Blvd.

Last year's list.

Pete's is great because the locals are encouraging and excited for you. "You guys doing the crawl?!" We are typically asked by a nostalgic, pony-tailed, old hippy type. That we are, old man, that we are. The air at the beginning of the night is electric. Jubilation can be felt, as the crowd gathers and grows, and the first beers are downed and we're off!

Look how happy and sober everyone looks!
From there, we'll make our way up the Avenue, stopping off at any dive, tavern, pizza joint, disco, or fine dining establishment that serves alcohol. Classic, quality places like,

Z's might have a live band for you to make out to.
and the ever-popular,

You will dance at Boku. Even if you don't dance, you will dance at Boku.

Eventually, somewhere along the trail, our numbers will dwindle, our steps will stumble, and our resolve may be questioned. Then, late into the hours of the night, things will get weird.

T-Bone getting weird.
Hold on, though, because you're nearly there. Just a few more Miller Lites, and you can cruise into the finish!

When you're finally done, you climb the steps of the victory podium that is Duchess Dineraunt, and claim your runny eggs prize. Now get home safe, pass out, and sleep in tomorrow. You've deserved it.

Part diner, part restaurant. 100% Dineraunt


  1. Overheard at every bar, "Back in my day there were 30 bars and you had to have a beer and a shot at each one!"

  2. Pfft lightweights....duchess was only halfway
