Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Work It Out

Winter is hard, for all of the obvious reasons (insert snow, ice, and arctic chill here), but it's also extremely difficult to stay motivated and work out as much as you do in the warmer seasons. Working out outside is nearly impossible due to the cold and it gets dark before most of us are even out of work, which is a total mood killer. Plus, there's always a ton of holiday-esque parties and excuses to eat/drink way more then you should. For all of these reasons I have been trying to come up with ways to motivate myself to work out more and stay fit. Here are a few of my ideas and tips:

1. Buy cute work-out wear: I don't know about you, but when I have a new, cute outfit to wear, it totally motivates me to head to the gym to show it off. With all of the holiday sales going on, now is the time to stock up and show everyone how good you look.

2. Competition: The will to win and show up a friend or co-worker is a great motivator to work out harder and with greater frequency. My husband and I are currently competing in push-ups every day, but I'm also semi-addicted to the continuous step competition I have with all my fitbit friends.(Sidenote: Do you have a fitbit? Add me!)

3. Grab a Friend: When not trying to take down a friend competitively, it's always helpful to have someone hold you accountable and force you to go to the gym, even when you'd rather stay home and binge watch Kardashians. A few of my friends have even formed a WON (work out night) where we go to a different work out class every month together. Last month we did ballet-barre pilates and this month we are doing spinning!

4. Go for a walk: It's definitely too cold to go for a long run, but going for a brisk 10-15 minute walk after lunch at work or after dinner is a great way to get in some extra steps, while digesting your meal. Besides, it will keep you from drying out too much in the heat all day!

What do you do to stay fit in the colder months?

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