Friday, July 25, 2014


Hangry: adj. When you are so hungry that your lack of food causes you to become angry, frustrated or both.


Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but for me, it barely keeps me full until 10am. That combined with my love for sugar and generally unhealthy things has led me to Graze, a company that sends me healthy snacks via mail. Boxes of all varieties are very popular right now, from beauty samples (Birchbox) to dog toys (Barkbox), so why not snacks?

Every week I receive a box from Graze, that has four snacks in it. Snacks vary from the super healthy (dried fruit) to the semi healthy (pretzels with chocolate sauce), but they are all tasty and portioned so that I don't go too crazy. I love how portable the snacks are and it's fun to get the boxes and see what  snacks they have picked out for me. Also, if you receive a snack that you think is gross you can tell them that you don't ever want to get it again and also mark things that you'd like to try. If you're like me and get hangry when you go without food for a few hours, give it a try. If you use my reward code below your first and fifth box are free, and with boxes only costing $6--why not give it a try?

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