Tuesday, July 22, 2014

3 #NHV Instagrams We Never Need to Post Again (bonus: 3 things we should post more!)

Disclaimer: While there is a clear level of snark to this post, I must acknowledge that it is posted knowing full and well that yours truly is as guilty as the next when it comes to any of this.

 1. Pizza
Look, I love pizza as much as the next person, and New Haven does have the best. As a long-time Wooster Sq. resident, I'm reminded of this every single day by the pizza oven air that wafts in through my bedroom window right around dinner time. That being said, this city has way more to offer food-wise than the dish of choice for drunk dorm bros and divorced dads nationwide. I don't care what you put on it, how you angle your camera, or what filter you use; when all the hashtags are placed and all the locations tagged, it's still just a photo of some pizza.

2. The view from East Rock
It's a great view. I've seen it. We've all seen it. All the time. Next time you're up there feeling slightly winded after conquering the stairs, and you pull out your phone, take a second and look to your right and your left. See all those people around you, facing the same direction as you, with their phone cameras aimed at exactly what you're about to aim yours at? Maybe next time go to West Rock?

3. Gothic Yale architecture
Granted, it's challenging to point a camera in any direction in this city without hitting Yale. But it's a challenge I'd like to see us take on, because not doing so is just lazy. Hard to avoid=easy to do.

BONUS: 3 Things We Should Post More!

 1. Places to Drink
Not drinks, mind you, but places to drink. Where are you? What are you doing? It looks fun! I want to go to there.

2. Thought Provoking Things You See
Is it funny? Is it punny? Maybe it's kind of sad, or truly meaningful. We all like all of those things. Give us more.

3. The Locals
Because social media is all about being social. Because none of us live in a vacuum. Because the people are no small part of why #nhv is the #gscia

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