Thursday, July 24, 2014

Go Outside

Unless you work at Google, or something, chances are your office lunchroom sucks pretty badly. Gray, windowless, weird stains on all the furniture, questionable smells coming from the microwave, that one coworker you never want to make eye contact with lurking by the coffee get the point.
everything the body needs.
One of the nice things about working downtown during the summer is having the opportunity to escape the office on my lunch break; food trucks, delis, cafes, restaurants...all a short walk away. Recently, as talked about in this NBC News story, the city has been taking some interesting steps to help me escape that sad pit that is the office lunchroom.

Some eateries have started reserving parking spaces to place outdoor seating in which you can sit back, relax, enjoy a sandwich or slice of pizza, and let random passersby take pictures of you. It started last year with Meat & Co.
And this year, similar spaces have popped up at Tikkaway Grill, a quick-order Indian spot on Orange Street, and Costa Pizza on the recently traffic-adjusted Whitney Avenue, which otherwise has pretty much no seating.
Tikkaway Grill
Costa Pizza

Or, if you're the BYO type, the city and Yale have upped their lunchtime livability efforts in the form of some colorful seating areas for the public to enjoy otherwise barren spaces. The lower part of the New Haven Green now has public tables surrounding the fountain. There is a sign welcoming all to use the space and enjoy, and asking that you not partake in any illegal activities. So, if you're planning spray painting graffiti or committing securities fraud, maybe take that action elsewhere.
New Haven Green: so New Haven, so Green
Likewise, a couple spots at heavily foot-trafficked University locations now offer a place to sit and enjoy a PB&J or quinoa salad. I've spent a few iced coffee breaks watching passing students and making faces at tour groups in the shade of the Beinecke Rare Book Library on Wall Street.
Or, if serenity isn't your thing, Market Island at the center of the constant wooshing of Broadway has a spot to chill and contemplate which of the city's dozen frozen yogurt bars you should head to after lunch.

So, now that you're done reading this, and you've wasted enough time clicking around the internet, get up, stretch your legs, get out in that summer sun and ask yourself: Why so many frozen yogurt bars?

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